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Keyword Density Checker

Keyword Density Checker Free Online Tool

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Keyword Density Checker

Have you ever wondered how to check the keyword density of your content? To do so, you need to know the right tools. This article will show you how to use a keyword density checker to get high rankings for search engines.

What is the keyword density of your content? This question may seem like it doesn't matter, but it can affect whether or not your website ranks highly in search engine results pages (SERPS). By following these steps, you'll be able to find out what keywords are used within your text, and where. You'll also be able to see if your content is too thin on keywords and needs more focus on one topic. If this sounds complicated, don’t worry! We have a key word density checker that will do all the work for you!

What is keyword density?

Keyword density is the percentage of times a keyword is used throughout a document. To calculate this, you divide the number of times the keyword appears by the total number of words in the document.

For example, if your document was 10 words long and contained five instances of the word “cat”, then your keyword density would be 50 percent.

In order for Google to find your content when someone searches for it, it needs to know what keywords are included in your text. This means that the more often you mention certain keywords within your content, the better chances you have at ranking high on SERPS.

It's important to note that if a page has a low word count or contains many different phrases or topics, then higher keyword densities may not be necessary. Some pages only need one or two mentions of a particular word in order to rank well. For longer posts with multiple topics, it may be beneficial to include keywords throughout your post so that it's easy for search engines to find them all. However, this depends on how competitive the topic is and how many other people are including those keywords in their content. If you're not sure where to start with including more keywords within your content, try making some simple

Check your content's keyword density with a keyword density checker

If you are looking to rank high on SERPS, it's important that you have a text file with the right keywords. One way to do this is by using a keyword density checker. Keyword density is often confused with keyword frequency. The difference being that keyword density calculates how often words are mentioned within a given page of content, while keyword frequency measures how many times words are used on a page.

A good keyword density checker will report back all the keywords found in your text file and tell you if any are missing or duplicated. If you find any, change them so they are unique to your content. It'll make for better SEO!

Ready to get started? Click this link for our free Google Docs tool!

How to use the tool

To use the tool, you'll need to copy and paste the text of your content into the box. You'll then be able to see where your keywords are and how many times they're used in relation to the total word count.

It's important to note that the keyword density checker doesn't offer a full sentence analysis. It only calculates keywords in relation to your word count. For example, if your text is 100 words long and it has 10 occurrences of a given keyword, then that keyword has a 10 percent density.

Now that we've covered what this tool does and how to use it, let's find out why this kind of information is important for SEO!

Why is keyword density important?

The purpose of keyword density is to help search engines rank your website. You want your content to be as relevant as possible to a topic, and a high keyword density can help with that.

Having a higher keyword density will show that you've put more effort into writing about a specific topic. It's also an indicator of Google's trust in the quality of your content. It seems like the more you write on one topic, the higher it will rank for other related topics as well.

If you want to rank higher in SERPS, make sure your text is focused on one topic and has a high keyword density. And if you're not sure how to increase the keyword density of your text, there are tools for that!


Keyword density is an important factor in SEO. It is important for your content to be of high quality and of interest to your audience. The keyword density checker helps you to identify if your content is too wordy or not wordy enough. It also helps you to identify if your content is too focused around one keyword, which can make it difficult for readers to find what they are looking for.

If you want to learn more about keyword density and how it relates to SEO, be sure to check out this article.

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