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Robots.txt Checker

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Robots.txt Generator

If you want to avoid any potential confusion, you can use a free robots.txt generator in just a few clicks.

A generator will automatically create the text file for you to upload to your server in order to let search engines know which pages they should index and which ones they should not. Once this is done, your crawler will know how deep it can crawl into your website and what type of content it should ignore.

This prevents the crawler from wasting time on certain pages that would never get indexed anyway. It also saves bandwidth and lets you focus on other SEO methods that are more important for your brand's growth or conversion rates.


The robots.txt file is a search engine robot exclusion protocol. It provides a way for web site authors to communicate with web crawlers like Googlebot or Bingbot, telling them which pages should not be indexed and how deep the crawling of the website should go.

The robots.txt file can also function as a sitemap for crawlers who have difficulty accessing your site due to AJAX, frames, JavaScript, cookies, or other coding methods. For example, if you have a separate login page that is not linked from the homepage and your crawler can't crawl it without jumping through hoops, then using a URL in robots.txt will allow the crawler to access this content through a simple text file on your server.

The Robots.txt File

The robots.txt file is actually a simple text file that you can create on your server to provide instructions for web crawlers. These instructions are essential for search engine optimization (SEO). They tell the crawler how deep or how wide to crawl your site, which pages to index, and which pages to avoid.

While the robots.txt file is not a secret weapon for guaranteeing SEO success, it's an effective tool in your online marketing arsenal. There are even people who call it the "master" of SEO.

It's important that if you want to use robots.txt as part of your SEO strategy, you have a complete understanding of what this text file entails and how it operates. It's also good practice to have multiple versions so that search engines don't get confused between old and new directives.

Why the Robots.txt file is Used

The robots.txt file provides a way for website authors to communicate with web crawlers like Googlebot or Bingbot, telling them which pages should not be indexed and how deep the crawling of the website should go.

The robots.txt file can also function as a sitemap for crawlers who have difficulty accessing your site due to AJAX, frames, JavaScript, cookies, or other coding methods. For example, if you have a separate login page that is not linked from the homepage and your crawler can't crawl it without jumping through hoops, then using a URL in robots.txt will allow the crawler to access this content through a simple text file on your server.

How to Write a Robots.txt file

The robots.txt file is a text-based site map of the web server, and it's very easy to use. You can create a new robots.txt file or edit an existing one with Notepad (or any other text editor) on your computer and upload it to your server.

Here's what a basic robots.txt file would look like:

User-agent: *

Disallow: /cgi-bin/

Disallow: /user/

Disallow: /search/

The first line establishes the default- all crawlers should be blocked from indexing this site except for those that are specifically allowed in subsequent lines. The second line blocks any access to anything beginning with "/cgi-bin/" which typically means CGI scripts, but could also be programs called via HTTP POST or other methods and URLs beginning with "/user/" which often refers to administrator directories and files. The third line disallows crawling of anything under the "/search/" directory.

When Can You Use the Robots.txt File?

The robots.txt file is a search engine robot exclusion protocol. It provides a way for web site authors to communicate with web crawlers like Googlebot or Bingbot, telling them which pages should not be indexed and how deep the crawling of the website should go.

The robots.txt file can also function as a sitemap for crawlers who have difficulty accessing your site due to AJAX, frames, JavaScript, cookies, or other coding methods. For example, if you have a separate login page that is not linked from the homepage and your crawler can't crawl it without jumping through hoops, then using a URL in robots.txt will allow the crawler to access this content through a simple text file on your server.

It's important to remember that it's illegal for webmasters to use the robots.txt file to keep search engine crawlers away from specific pages of their website or entire websites altogether.


Robots.txt is a file that’s used to control how search engine crawlers interact with your site. It’s important to know how to use it because it can tell crawlers which parts of your site they should be able to access and which parts they should not. The Robots.txt file is commonly used to prevent crawlers from accessing unnecessary content on your site, such as images, CSS files, or JavaScript files that are not important to the visitor experience.

The Robots.txt file can also instruct crawlers on how they can access certain parts of your site, such as whether or not they should crawl all pages on your site or only the home page.

If you need some help writing a Robots.txt file, you can use some tools like BrightEdge’s SERP Optimizer platform, which will help you create a Robots.txt file tailored for your needs.

Keep track of when you upload your Robots.txt file by adding it to your Google Search Console account under the Crawl section.

As with any important decision, it’s important to weigh the pros and cons of using the Robots.txt file.

It’s important not to over

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