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Top Referrers Checker


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Free Tools to Find Out Who's Referring Traffic to Your Site.

Finding out who's referring traffic to your site is an important part of SEO. These referrers are potential customers, new web visitors, and social media friends. They're also valuable for reviewing your site's performance in Google Analytics.

There are different ways to find out who's sending traffic to your website. One of the most common ways is through referral URL information that you can find on Google Analytics. Here are some tools you can use to get this information quickly and easily.

What is a referrer?

A referrer is the website that sends traffic to your site. This could be done through PPC, ads on social media sites, or other marketing strategies. When someone clicks on one of these links and visits your site, they are referred by the source website.

How to find out who's referring traffic to your site

Your website's traffic is often the result of a variety of different sources. The best way to find out who's sending traffic to your site is by reviewing referral URL information in Google Analytics.

There are a few ways you can do this:

-Using Link Checker Tool for Chrome

-Using WhoLinksTo tool

-Using the Facebook Insights dashboard

Tools to Find Out Who's Referring Traffic to Your Site

Google Analytics

In order to find out who's referring traffic to your site, you'll need Google Analytics. It's a great way to investigate the traffic sources for your site and decide which ones are worth pursuing.

You can use the "Referral" section of Google Analytics to find out where traffic is coming from. There are a few different tools within this section that will help you see exactly what's going on with your referrals.

One tool is the "New vs Returning Visitors," which displays a graph showing how many users return to pages on your site after visiting for the first time. The other tool is "Top Referring Sites," which shows you the top five sites sending traffic to your site in a list format.

Referrers Checker tools

Referrers Checker tools are designed to let you quickly find out who's sending traffic to your site. They work by analyzing the referring URL information on Google Analytics. This will help you see what other sites are linking to yours—and which ones are doing the most link building for your website.

This is a free service that can be used on desktop computers and mobile devices. All you have to do is enter the URL of the site you want to check, wait for analysis, and then click on view results.

Are you looking for more information about how this software works? There's an FAQ section available with details on the tool's functionality.

**How does Referrer Checker Tool work?**

Referrer Checker Tool is an easy-to-use Chrome extension that helps web masters find out who is sending traffic to their sites or blog posts from external sources like social media or search engines like Google or Bing. Clicking "Go!" will open up a new tab in Chrome with detailed information about your web page or blog post


Traffic to your website is an important metric to track, but what about where it’s coming from? Here are a few tools you can use to find out who's referring traffic to your site.

1. What is a referrer?

A referrer is any entity that clicks a hyperlink to a webpage and sends a user to a different location.

2. How to find out who's referring traffic to your site

To find out who's referring traffic to your site, you'll need an analytics tool that tracks where all your traffic comes from.

3. Tools to Find Out Who's Referring Traffic to Your Site

There are many tools you can use to find out who's referring traffic to your site, including:

- Referrers Checker tools

- Clicky

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